5 Tips for Catching Crickets

While they may not bite or sting, it is hard not to categorize crickets as pests. This is especially true once crickets set up shop in your house. Just ask anyone who has laid awake at night, listening to the crickets chirp while they try to sleep. A cricket infestation may seem, and hear, like something that is beyond your control. However, here are 5 tips for catching crickets you can use to help you protect your turf.

5 Tips for Catching Crickets

  1. Crickets move indoors when it is dry and hot as they seek cool and damp areas that can be found indoors like basements, crawl spaces and garages – monitor these areas first.
  2. If you notice, or, more likely, hear cricket activity take notes on the environment. Is there a source of moisture or water nearby? Is food easily accessed? Crickets seek some of the same creature comforts as humans so be sure to mitigate any conducive conditions.
  3. Do a thorough inspection of the outside of your home. Try to determine how they are getting into your home and eliminate the path. Look for any cracks in foundations or openings in doors and windows.
  4. Utilize the Catchmaster® Cricket XL giant cricket trap to help monitor and eliminate any crickets that remain in your living space. With over 55 square inches of trapping power it is the largest cricket trap available.
  5. As strange as this sounds it turns out one of the best ways to trap crickets is with. . .more crickets. If you happen to find 1 or 2 dead adults add them to Cricket XL. Likewise, if some are on the trap keep them there, more may be on the way.

Getting Cricket Control

It can feel overwhelming if a cricket party breaks out in your house, mastering these 5 tips may help you take back control and shut down the party. Remember, crickets are a lot like humans in that they need shelter and food. The more you can reduce their access to these staples the better. If crickets remain a nuisance after you have acted be sure to contact your pest management professional. Learn more about crickets from the National Pest Management Association here: https://www.pestworld.org/pest-guide/occasional-invaders/house-crickets/
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