Is Your Yard Ready for Mosquito Season?

Is Your Yard Ready for Mosquito Season?

Soon, mosquito season will be in full swing throughout the United States. Now is a good time for self-reflection; Is my yard ready for mosquito season? Here are Ten Timely Tips to make it tougher for our blood-thirsty friends to establish on your property:

  1. Search thoroughly for and remove or cover anything that can hold water.
  2. Remove, cover or drill holes in used tires. Drill so that water completely drains. Do the same if you have a tire swing.
  3. Drill holes in the bottom of recycling containers. Ensure that lids for garbage cans are in good repair.
  4. Beware of items such as buckets, wheelbarrows and recycling containers that have a ‘lip’ when flipped over. The lip will collect water and organic matter, enough to welcome a new generation of mosquitoes in just 5-7 days.
  5. Clean clogged gutters.
  6. Check that all windows, screens and doors are tight-fitting and in good repair.
  7. Scrub birdbaths thoroughly with a brush. This will remove mosquito eggs.
  8. Cover in-ground drains with hardware cloth to prevent mosquito breeding.
  9. Fill in low-lying areas where water regularly collects and remains.
  10. Inspect and remove water from tarps or plastic used to cover items.

Be prepared and be proactive; it will make a difference!

Talk to your pest management professional about our mosquito products.

Learn more from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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