Is Your Yard Ready for Mosquito Season?
Soon, mosquito season will be in full swing throughout the United States. Now is a good time for self-reflection; Is my yard ready for mosquito season? Here are Ten Timely Tips to make it tougher for our blood-thirsty friends to establish on your property:
- Search thoroughly for and remove or cover anything that can hold water.
- Remove, cover or drill holes in used tires. Drill so that water completely drains. Do the same if you have a tire swing.
- Drill holes in the bottom of recycling containers. Ensure that lids for garbage cans are in good repair.
- Beware of items such as buckets, wheelbarrows and recycling containers that have a ‘lip’ when flipped over. The lip will collect water and organic matter, enough to welcome a new generation of mosquitoes in just 5-7 days.
- Clean clogged gutters.
- Check that all windows, screens and doors are tight-fitting and in good repair.
- Scrub birdbaths thoroughly with a brush. This will remove mosquito eggs.
- Cover in-ground drains with hardware cloth to prevent mosquito breeding.
- Fill in low-lying areas where water regularly collects and remains.
- Inspect and remove water from tarps or plastic used to cover items.
Be prepared and be proactive; it will make a difference!
Talk to your pest management professional about our mosquito products.
Learn more from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).