- There are about 3,000 different species of mosquitoes in the world. Is that a lot? Nahhh! There are about 500,000 different kinds of beetles!
- There are about 175 different species in the continental United States. West Virginia has the fewest with about 30, while Texas tops the list with about 84.
- Fossil records show existence of mosquitoes as far back as the Triassic period – 400 million years ago!
- Female mosquitoes feed on blood because they require protein to produce their eggs. Male mosquitoes are incapable of biting. Both male and female mosquitoes feed on plant nectars for energy.
- Most female mosquitoes live 2-3 weeks, depending on species and environmental conditions. Some species spend the winter in garages, animal burrows, culverts, etc., and may live up to 6 months.
5 Mosquito Facts from Captain Stan
Here are 5 mosquito fun facts from our very own Captain Stan the Mosquito Man: