
Catchmaster’s Luma Flying Insect Light & Glue Board Trap captures mosquitoes while blending into your home decor.

How to Catch Mosquitoes: Tips for a Bite-Free Home

Tackle indoor mosquito control with Catchmaster, your ally in transforming indoor spaces into bite-free zones. Understand mosquito behavior to better prevent their entry and explore Catchmaster's simple, effective solutions like...

How to Catch Mosquitoes: Tips for a Bite-Free Home

Tackle indoor mosquito control with Catchmaster, your ally in transforming indoor spaces into bite-free zones. Understand mosquito behavior to better prevent their entry and explore Catchmaster's simple, effective solutions like...

Catchmaster Oasis Ovi-Mini Water Jar & Glue Board Mosquito Trap set with four non-toxic traps for effective mosquito control.

Mastering Mosquito Control: What Kills Mosquitoes?

Are mosquitoes dampening your summer vibes and outdoor plans? Dealing with these pesky insects is more than just an annoyance; it's a health concern due to their ability to transmit...

Mastering Mosquito Control: What Kills Mosquitoes?

Are mosquitoes dampening your summer vibes and outdoor plans? Dealing with these pesky insects is more than just an annoyance; it's a health concern due to their ability to transmit...

Ants collecting food from a plate

How to Get Rid of Ants: Effective Strategies fo...

Are ants making your home their playground? You're not alone. Ant infestations are a common nuisance, infiltrating areas like pantries and countertops in search of food, water, and shelter. Fortunately,...

How to Get Rid of Ants: Effective Strategies fo...

Are ants making your home their playground? You're not alone. Ant infestations are a common nuisance, infiltrating areas like pantries and countertops in search of food, water, and shelter. Fortunately,...

Ants swarm around French fries on a kitchen counter

Maximizing Ant Control: How Long Do Ant Traps L...

Catchmaster's DEFIANT™ Ant Traps are engineered to offer a durable and effective solution for managing ant invasions in your home. By understanding key factors such as the type of trap,...

Maximizing Ant Control: How Long Do Ant Traps L...

Catchmaster's DEFIANT™ Ant Traps are engineered to offer a durable and effective solution for managing ant invasions in your home. By understanding key factors such as the type of trap,...

Ants gather on a spoonful of sugar, as the homeowner wonders how long it takes ant traps to work

Mastering Ant Control: How Long Do Ant Traps Ta...

Catchmaster’s DEFIANT™ Ant Traps offer a practical and effective solution for home ant infestations, using bait that attracts and poisons ants, thereby targeting the entire colony, including the queen. These...

Mastering Ant Control: How Long Do Ant Traps Ta...

Catchmaster’s DEFIANT™ Ant Traps offer a practical and effective solution for home ant infestations, using bait that attracts and poisons ants, thereby targeting the entire colony, including the queen. These...

A man finds a large group of ants inside an empty can and realizes he needs to learn how ant traps work to fight an ant infestation in his home

How Do Ant Traps Work? A Guide to Effective Pes...

Ant invasions can be frustratingly common, but Catchmaster’s DEFIANT™ Ant Traps offer a reliable and effective solution. Utilizing a combination of attractants and slow-acting poisons, these traps are designed to...

How Do Ant Traps Work? A Guide to Effective Pes...

Ant invasions can be frustratingly common, but Catchmaster’s DEFIANT™ Ant Traps offer a reliable and effective solution. Utilizing a combination of attractants and slow-acting poisons, these traps are designed to...